Thursday, April 23, 2015

United 93

This movie was a very sad and emotional movie, while also feeling a little hopeful at the end. The movie really made me feel good that there are people in the world that would be heroes at a time of need. I really like how the story was depicted, it was intense and kept me watching, and it also showed how the people were feeling at many different places at a lot of times. It showed air traffic controllers, the people on the plane, and real video footage from 9/11. This movie does a great job of showing United 93 and the heroes on that plane.

United 93 fills me with both hope and despair. The people on that plane were able to face death and be brave enough to take down the terrorists that took the plane, even if it meant that they were going to get hurt or worse. It fills me with hope that they wanted to save other people. It fills me with despair that people had to die for no reason just because of terrorists.

We should never forget all the people that lost their lives on that day and all the fear and sadness the people felt on that day.

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