Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Lone Survivor

The Lone Survivor was a very intense movie about a recon mission in Afghanistan. I really liked seeing the main characters train and go on their mission. I couldn't imagine throwing myself off of a cliff and smack my head on a bunch of boulders just in order to survive. The characters in this movie seemed like real guys and yet they seemed like crazy killing machines at the same time. I really like how they worked in the characters personal lives. It seems insane that even one person survived the mission that occurred.

I really think the biggest pitfall is not showing it exactly how it happened. The events that happen in the military are crazy as they are, and don't need to be changed from how they were originally. It should just be shown exactly how it happens.

United 93

This movie was a very sad and emotional movie, while also feeling a little hopeful at the end. The movie really made me feel good that there are people in the world that would be heroes at a time of need. I really like how the story was depicted, it was intense and kept me watching, and it also showed how the people were feeling at many different places at a lot of times. It showed air traffic controllers, the people on the plane, and real video footage from 9/11. This movie does a great job of showing United 93 and the heroes on that plane.

United 93 fills me with both hope and despair. The people on that plane were able to face death and be brave enough to take down the terrorists that took the plane, even if it meant that they were going to get hurt or worse. It fills me with hope that they wanted to save other people. It fills me with despair that people had to die for no reason just because of terrorists.

We should never forget all the people that lost their lives on that day and all the fear and sadness the people felt on that day.

The Hurt Locker

This movie was pretty insane. The Hurt Locker was about a bomb squad in the war in the Middle East. I thought the main guy who disarmed all the bombs was an absolute legend. I really liked how cocky he was in this movie and also how badass he was when disarming the bombs. This movie reminded me a little bit of American Sniper, and I loved both of the movies. I have a lot of respect for veterans from the middle east after watching this movie because it just showed how dangerous it was. I would be very scared to be in war. Disarming IEDs would be scary and is a very dangerous job, needless to say.

This film really made me realize how scary fighting in the Middle East would be. The IEDs and deaths of all the people in this movie were very moving. The most memorable scene of the movie is when he finds the dead boy's body who was selling him movies. That was sad when he took the bomb out of him and carried him.

I think a hurt locker is a period of time when someone is really struggling with a lot of pain, physical or emotional.

Apollo 13

Apollo 13 is a great film about the NASA spacecraft Apollo 13 and its voyage. The things I really liked about this movie were the actors in the shuttle, specifically Tom Hanks. He is a great actor and I liked his performance a lot in this movie. I found it very interesting that they did not let the original guy on the space shuttle, when he clearly was not sick. I wonder if the mission would have gone differently if the original guy had been on it. This movie was really cool, and it was awesome to see how they survived in those crazy conditions in the middle of space. It truly was a miracle that they made it home safely.

If I were to put a theme with this movie, I would make it determination. At all moments, the astronauts were determined to train hard, and in the shuttle, they were determined to survive.