Wednesday, February 25, 2015


This movie was not very entertaining to me. I never really was grasped by the plot, and I felt like it was just tragedy after tragedy. It was rough to see the treatment of the horses, and just how many of them died during the war. I liked the connection between the horse and the many people in the movie. My favorite part was when the horse was with the girl and her grandfather. It is interesting to see how the horses were treated in this movie because nothing like that could ever happen to animals nowadays. Overall, this movie was not good in my opinion because the plot was lacking.

Monday, February 16, 2015


The movie Glory really shocked me because I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I liked nearly every character in the movie and felt for each of them at different times. I felt for Denzel Washington's character when he was being whipped, I felt for Thomas when he was humiliated, and I especially connected with Colonel Shaw. It was very easy to tell his actions were good and my favorite part of the movie was when he ripped up his paycheck along with everyone else. This film was very moving to me and I really liked it.

Many people are willing to die for their country because there is a lot of pride that comes from a person's country. That pride of being from a certain area of the world and sharing it with millions of good people drives people to fight in war. The want to defend the country's accomplishments is another part of why people fight. I think both the men of the 54th and Shaw are heroes. They were all brave people and took the initiative to do something that was both unsupported by a lot of people and very dangerous. Shaw chose to be their leader, which makes him a hero of his own, but I think the 54th as a whole should be recognized for their actions as heroes because of their bravery.

The significance of this story has to do completely with the courage of the 54th. At Ft. Wagner they proved their courage by charging the fort even though they were aware there were going to be heavy casualties. The soldiers in this regiment were looked down upon because of their race, even though they were fighting for the same country and the same cause. The actions of this regiment need to be told and glorified because these were all great men who really fought for something they believed in.


The film Braveheart was very unique and unlike any other movie I had ever seen before. As we were warned before, it did drag on a lot at the beginning. Other than that, I have only positive things to say about the film. I really liked the battle scenes and very much enjoyed the passion I could see in William Wallace. He captured me emotionally and I could feel why people would fight for him. I felt the comradery between all the people and grew to hate the English throughout the film. I also thought the Prince was a very interesting character, but did not really understand his role in the film. The king was my least favorite character by far. The ending of the film was very moving to me. I did not like the punishment of William Wallace, but it really got the point across of his heroism and passion for his cause.

Wallace was implying that the men were not really living if they were under English control. He thought the people should all share his desire to be free from the English. He thought the Scottish should have their own freedom and own country. Their lives meant nothing if they were not free, and William Wallace urged them to live by changing it. This could be applied to my own life by saying that I need to make the most of life every day otherwise I am not truly living. I need to be creating happiness for myself and others every day before my final hour comes.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


The film Gladiator is overall one of my favorite movies. The emotions captured in the film are intense, and Maximus is one of my favorite characters of any movie. The entire storyline following Maximus makes me feel for him and I was constantly cheering for him to win and kill Commodus. Commodus in this movie is a complete creep and was easily my least favorite character. The only thing he did during the movie was make me feel really uncomfortable. This movie made me want to be Maximus and made me want Commodus punished. I think after seeing this, I have a very exaggerated view of how gladiators lived, and this period of Rome seems very cool.

I think a theme of this movie is family. At first, all Maximus wants to do is get to his family, but he cannot since Marcus Aurelius asked him to bring the rule back to the people. Once his family is killed, he has no choice but to do everything he can to try to be with them, including prayer. Eventually, he returns to them, leaving behind a legend to the Roman people.